Ask "This stack requires HyperCard 1.2.1 or newer" with "Drat!"
go recent cd
end if
go cd 1
put false into total
put empty into intl
set lockscreen to true
set lockmessages to true
push cd
go second cd
if number of cd flds >0 then put true into total
pop cd
set lockscreen to false
set lockmessages to false
put false into force
hide message box
put the seconds/86400 + 16480.5 + DSTCheck()/24 into jd2
put trunc(jd2+24000000) +1 into jd
get the long date
if first word of cd fld daily is not in it then
put "Polynomials are outdated..."
wait 1 sec
hide message box
end if
put "Dimanche,Lundi,Mardi,Mercredi,Jeudi,Vendredi,Samedi" into frdays
if first word of it is in frdays then put "Fr" into intl
get the date
if it contains "." then put "De" into intl
convert it to dateItems
if intl = "De" then
repeat with i=1 to number of chars of it
if char i of it = "." then put "," into char i of it
end repeat
put item 1 of it into d
put item 2 of it into m
else if intl = "Fr" then
put item 2 of it into d
put item 3 of it into m
put item 2 of it into m
put item 3 of it into d
end if
put false into val
if intl is empty then
if m>4 and m<=10 then put true into val
put trunc(jd-7*trunc(jd/7)) into w
if m=4 and d>=w-1 then put true into val
if m=10 and (d-w)>=25 then put false into val
set hilite of bkgnd button "DST" of cd origin to val
if val then
put "D" into char 3 of last word of cd fld coords of cd origin
put "S" into char 3 of last word of cd fld coords of cd origin
end if
end if
push cd
if the short name of this cd is "origin" then
put line 2 of cd fld "Algol" into ecl
if ecl > jd2 then exit repeat
add 2.8673075 to ecl
end repeat
set numberFormat to "0.0"
put "Next minimum of Algol occurs in" && (ecl-jd2)*24 && "hours at JD=" into line 1 of cd fld Algol
set numberFormat to "0.###"
put ecl+2400000 after line 1 of cd fld Algol
put ecl into line 2 of cd fld Algol
end if
end openStack
function nDate Uflag,Jflag,n
-- Uflag =0 for no UT, 1 for UT
-- Jflag =12 for JT, 0 for no JT
-- n = # days after given date
global intl
get the seconds
add 86400*n+3600*(Jflag+Uflag*DSTcheck()) to it
convert it to long date
if intl = "De" then
put char 1 to (offset(".",second word of it)-1) of second word of it && third word of it && last word of it into he
else if intl = "Fr" then
put second word of it && third word of it && last word of it into he
put char 1 to (offset(",",third word of it)-1) of third word of it && second word of it && last word of it into he
end if
return he
end nDate
function rnd10 x
return round(x*10)/10
end rnd10
function DSTcheck
get first word of line 4 of cd fld Coords of cd origin
if hilite of bkgnd button "DST" of cd origin
then put it-1 into temp
else put it into temp
return temp
end DSTcheck
function frac x
return x-trunc(x)
end frac
function sgn x
if x<0 then
get -1
else if x=0 then
get 0
else if x>0 then
get 1
end if
return it
end sgn
function sind n
return sin((n mod 360)*pi/180)
end sind
function cosd n
return cos((n mod 360)*pi/180)
end cosd
function tand n
return tan((n mod 360)*pi/180)
end tand
on dayOfYear
-- returns day, dayUT as number of day in year
global dayUT,day,daySecs,intl
put the date into daysecs
if intl is "De" then
repeat with i=1 to number of chars of daysecs
if char i of daysecs = "." then put "/" into char i of daysecs
end repeat
end if
put number of chars of the date into ndate
if intl is "Fr" then
-- swap months and days of daysecs
put 0 into j
repeat with i=1 to number of chars of daysecs
if char i of daysecs = "/" then
add 1 to j
put i into item j of pos
end if
end repeat
put item 1 of pos into c1
put item 2 of pos into c2
put char 1 to c1-1 of daysecs into i
put char c1+1 to c2-1 of daysecs into j
put char c2+1 to (number of chars of daysecs) of daysecs into k
put j&"/"&i&"/"&k into daysecs
end if
put "12/31/" & (char ndate-1 to ndate of the date)-1 into Jan0
convert daySecs to seconds
convert Jan0 to seconds
put (daySecs-Jan0)/86400 into day
put (daySecs-Jan0+3600*DSTcheck())/86400 into dayUT
if intl is "Fr" then put "day = "&&day
end dayOfYear
on cheb a,b,c
global x,xa,xb
put 2*x*a-b+c into temp
put a into xb
put temp into xa
end cheb
on UT
global day,daySecs,x,xa,xb,m
dayOfYear -- gets daySecs
get ((the seconds-daySecs)/3600+DSTcheck())mod 24
put trunc(it) into h
put trunc(60*(it-h)) into m
if m<10 then put "0" before m
if h=0 then put "0" before h
put "Universal Time = "& h &":" & m into line 1 of fld UT
put it into line 2 of fld UT
end UT
on ST
global day,daySecs,x,xa,xb,dayUT
dayOfYear -- gets day
put (dayUT-1)/183-1 into x
put 0 into a
put 0 into b
put 7 into i
repeat until i=0
cheb a,b,word i+1 of cd fld "Sidereal Cheb" of cd origin
put xa into a
put xb into b
subtract 1 from i
end repeat
put xb into b2
cheb a,b,word 1 of cd fld "Sidereal Cheb" of cd origin
get ((xa-b2)/2+((the seconds-daySecs)/3600+DSTcheck())*1.00273791+ (line 2 of cd fld "coords" of cd origin)/15+24) mod 24
put trunc(it) into h
put trunc(60*(it-h)) into m
if m<10 then put "0" before m
if h=0 then put "0" before h
put "Sidereal Time = "& h &":" & m into line 1 of fld ST
put it into line 2 of fld ST
end ST
on hm decv,arg
global h,m
put trunc(arg) into h
put trunc(60*(arg-h)) into m
if decv then put abs(m) into m
if m<10 then put "0" before m
end hm
function atanq x,y
get atan(y/x)
if x>0 then add pi to it
return it mod (2*pi)
end atanq
on moonpos
global t,dra,decra,dec,fac
set cursor to busy
put 218.32+481267.883*t+6.29*sind(134.9+477198.85*t)-1.27* sind(259.2-413335.38*t)+.66*sind(235.7+890534.23*t)+.21*sind( 269.9+954397.7*t)-.19*sind(357.5+35999.05*t)-.11*sind(186.6+ 966404.05*t) into lambda
put 5.13*sind(93.3+483202.03*t)+.28*sind(228.2+960400.87*t) -.28*sind(318.3+6003.18*t)-.17*sind(217.6-407332.2*t) into beta
put cosd(beta)*cosd(lambda) into l
set cursor to busy
put .9175*cosd(beta)*sind(lambda)-.3978*sind(beta) into m
put .3978*cosd(beta)*sind(lambda)+.9175*sind(beta) into n
put (180+atanq(l,m)/fac) mod 360 into dra
put dra/15 into decra
put atan(n/sqrt(1-n*n))/fac into dec
end moonpos
on calc num,force
global day,daySecs,x,xa,xb,dayUT,it,h,m,mode,t,dec,decra,dra,fac
-- calcs ra and dec, force =true means do it anyway
set cursor to 1001
dayOfYear -- gets day,dayUT
put pi/180 into fac
get line 3 of fld UT
put line 1 of cd fld "Coords" of cd origin into lat
if (it=trunc(dayUT) and the optionkey is up) and not force then
put line 5 of fld Pos into dra
put line 6 of fld Pos into dec
put line 3 of fld rise into arg
set cursor to 1002
if short name of this cd is "Moon" then
-- Moon calcs from A.A.
put ((last word of line 1 of fld JD)-2451545)/36525 into t
put trunc(dayUT) into line 3 of fld UT
put (dayUT+((the seconds-daySecs)/3600+DSTcheck())/24-1)/183-1 into x
put 0 into a
put 0 into b
put num into i
repeat until i=0
set cursor to busy
cheb a,b,word i+1 of fld "ra cheb"
put xa into a
put xb into b
subtract 1 from i
end repeat
put xb into b2
cheb a,b,word 1 of fld "ra cheb"
put (((xa-b2)/2+48) mod 24) *15 into dra
put dra/15 into decra
put 0 into a
put 0 into b
put num into i
repeat until i=0
set cursor to busy
cheb a,b,word i+1 of fld "dec cheb"
put xa into a
put xb into b
subtract 1 from i
end repeat
put xb into b2
cheb a,b,word 1 of fld "dec cheb"
get (xa-b2)/2
put it into dec
if "Sun" is in short name of this cd then
-- use -12 for twilight altitude
get (-.20791-sind(lat)*sind(dec))/(cosd(lat)*cosd(dec))
put abs(atan(sqrt(1-it*it)/it)) into ang
if -.20791<sind(lat)*sind(dec) then put pi-ang into ang
put ang/fac/15 into delta
put (dra/15+(line 2 of fld UT)-line 2 of fld 2+24-DSTcheck()) mod 24 into arg
get arg-delta
put it into line 3 of cd fld twilight
hm false,it
put "Twilight begins at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 1 of cd fld twilight
get arg+delta
put it into line 4 of cd fld twilight
hm false,it
put "Twilight ends at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 2 of cd fld twilight
end if
end if
put dra into line 5 of fld Pos
hm false,decra
put short name of this cd &" R.A. = "& h &"h " & m &"m"into line 1 of fld Pos
put dec into line 6 of fld Pos
put empty into sign
if dec<0 and dec>-1 then put "-" into sign
if dec>0 then put "+" into sign
hm true,dec
put short name of this cd&" Dec. = "&sign&h&"┬░ "&m&"'" into line 2 of fld Pos
get -sind(lat)*sind(dec)/cosd(lat)/cosd(dec)
put atan(sqrt(1-it*it)/it) into ang
put dec>0 into d1
put lat>0 into d2
if d1 is d2 then
add pi to ang
end if
put ang/fac/15 into delta
put dra/15+line 2 of fld UT-line 2 of fld ST+24-DSTcheck() into arg
get (arg-delta) mod 24
put arg into line 3 of fld rise
put it into line 4 of fld rise
hm false,it
if the short name of this cd Γëá "Moon" then put short name of this cd && "Rises at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 1 of fld rise
get (arg+delta) mod 24
put it into line 5 of fld rise
hm false,it
if the short name of this cd Γëá "Moon" then put short name of this cd && "Sets at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 2 of fld rise
set cursor to 1001
end if
-- calc alt and az of object
put ((360+15*(line 2 of fld ST)-dra) mod 360) into LHA
put cosd(LHA)*sind(lat)-tand(dec)*cosd(lat) into den
put round(atanq(den,sind(LHA))/fac) into temp
put sind(lat)*sind(dec)+cosd(lat)*cosd(dec)*cosd(LHA) into sina
if abs(sina)<1 then
put round(atan(sina/(sqrt(1-sina*sina)))/fac) into alt
if alt>0 then
put "Az. = "& temp into line 3 of fld Pos
put "Alt. = " & alt into line 4 of fld Pos
if temp>180
then put "W" into tem
else put "E" into tem
put "below " & tem & " horizon" into line 3 of fld Pos